POSTED 7-3-15

Dana & Inge Jewell informed me that there is a great bloom of Butterfly Milk Weed along the slopes of the Big Dig area near Slayton Tower. Their distinctive orange flowers can be clearly seen and they are native to the area.

POSTED 6-5-15

Dana and Inge Jewell recently spotted a deer on the hiking path behind the garage near 1st pond. They also spotted the following birds near 1st pond:  Great Blue Heron, Warbler vireo, and Eastern Phoebe

POSTED 5-21-15

Dana and Inge Jewell recently spotted a Baltimore Oriole nest located on a overhanging tree branch over the paved road located adjacent to 1st Pond and the Tot Lot. The pair of adults were spotted picking up materials used to construct the nest.

Baltimore Oriole Nest

Baltimore Oriole nest at Mount Hood




Baltimore Oriole nest at Mount Hood